Dr. Kwame Nkrumah

Author: Bernard Quayson (IT Specialist)

Mr. Gelisem

Dr Kwame Nkrumah with the big six.

These were the exact words of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah on the faithful day he declared Gold Coast as Ghana; “At long last, the battle has ended! And thus Ghana, your beloved country, is free forever!”.

It has been 65 years now, and we have not known freedom yet.

According to Dr Kwame Nkrumah: “Freedom is not something that one person can bestow on another as a gift. They claim it as their own and no one can keep it from them.

Freedom is when no one is controlling your wealth. It is when you decide for yourself. Freedom is when you stop begging people for help. So till when are we going to break out of this spell? In this 21st century, they can’t be using guns anymore, they are playing games with the mind. This is the time to wake up, Ghana.

Failed presidents so far

This is not a bluff! They have all failed us (Ghana).

If I have to describe “Ghana” in a basic level of understanding as a root citizen, born and still breading in Ghana; the right word would be, “Lucky”.

We are one of the luckiest countries on this existing planet (Earth) if that word really exists in the physical realm (reality)- because some philosophers also believe; consequences, are a result of decisions made. So whatever happens to you now is a result of some decisions you made. So they believe, you didn’t get “lucky”, you worked (took decisions) for it.

After 65years of independence, if not for the “lucky” we are, we wouldn’t have survived this adopted corruptible democracy; even now that the war (Russia-Ukraine) is here. 

The question is: are we always going to be fortunate?

This is why sometimes “hope”; to me, is useless. Because what you can’t fix will definitely make you go insane. Being lucky just gets people comfortable, it doesn’t give them freedom. So till when do we continue to get lucky? Perhaps we’re still in the same position because we’re lucky. lol

Not long ago, I posted one of my favourite quotes on my social platforms, which is; “there’s no juju for success, only proper negotiations”.

This is very true because you don’t expect to get lucky when you’re making bad negotiations. Every popular country today was built out of proper negotiations, and not juju or luck from any sort of “supreme being”.

 Dr Kwame Nkrumah (soul rest in peace..) cannot be blamed for all; at least he had a belief in black principles, and thought we could manage our own affairs instead of leaving them to the colonial masters– May the soul of the Queen (Elizabeth) rest in a sense of perfect peace. I tell you; it would have been better if it had been left to the Queen to manage (govern). A budget for Ghana from the Queen would have been more simple and decorative than our overloaded lies and mind-game promises. I wouldn’t say we have failed as a country, but it is not the type to be proud of.

Proper negotiation is the reason why everyone is willing to do business with America.

300 years ago, land was the source of wealth, and the person who owned the land also controlled the wealth. America rose to prominence by capitalizing on industrialization (manufacturing and producing things).

The backbone of every country’s economy depends on the ability to produce, more than it consumes.

“Lucky” Ghana will get us nowhere. It is time we bring entrepreneurs (businessmen) into our political powers. Because it is these powers that represent us in every negotiation concerning the country. They say, “a hungry man is an angry one”; so I will not entrust the country’s negotiations with employees- Countries are built with employers (business owners).

China is becoming powerful next to America; simply because its system is creating more millionaires.

It upsets me to hear our proud teachers slamming the president (Nana Akufo Addo) for telling them to find work because teaching alone cannot make them rich.- The truth is hard to tell indeed.

  The issue is that the system does not teach people how to make money, rather focusing on how to get a job, so we can take advantage and steal from it.

The reason for our retrogression in development is that we allow these unfixed attitude thieves (employees) to occupy our political powers, instead of “successful” businessmen ( employers); to make proper negotiations for the country and not favour themselves rather.

Now, Africa is becoming an eye-catching territory for foreigners again. Perhaps, after collapsing what they stole from us to build, they might come back for re-negotiations. This time, we are more civilized and we understand the “new normal” than the era of Dr Kwame Nkrumah; his negotiations (decisions) only got us independent, and couldn’t sustain it.

Who, then, is taking us (Ghana) to the freedom that Dr Kwame Nkrumah promised, and so is God?

To be continued…………….