Isaac JOE Yalley (CEO of P3kakra Group)

Isaac Joe Yalley addresses the nation as he shares his warm gratitude to those who spent time wishing him well at heart, on his birthday.

The story of man’s life has always been simple, “we come, and we go”. What needs to be done in such a “loop”, has been the quest for man’s search for true knowledge and power. Many people and countries are fighting both in cold and warm for what they believe to be true, and they call it “freedom” because it recoups them from perishing.

The fight ahead will not be easy as the global economy continues to suffer. So let us not just have hope, but put into action, proper policies or negotiations that will in the long term secure the welfare of generations, homes, communities, countries, and the world at large, with whatever capacity that we have been given. There’s absolutely no poverty in the world, there are only a few groups of people who have decided to hoard products to speculate scarcity (increase in demand). But if we can all reach out to one another as a team, then together everybody can achieve more. No invention can be more powerful than the internet, and it has been my source of motivation because of its primary objective being, bringing (connecting) everybody together.

May God help us to build a longer and stronger network in order to resist storms from breaking the link, especially, in these difficult times, and learn to solve our difference whenever there’s a break in the link. Each life has its own teachings and lessons, but the most important thing is the role we played in it.

I cannot forget all well-wishers for making yesterday a memorable one. The earth is what we have been given, though the road may seem far away, but let us make it a beautiful home for generations to witness. I salute you all and my team, P3kakra Group.

Thank you.

Written By: P3kakra secretary (Bernard Quayson)