Author: Bernard Quayson 


We come (by birth) and we go (by death); that has been the story of man, whether we believe it or not. We all came to this physical planet (Earth) with physical bodies of different colors and races. Science is undeniable, and theological records are also indisputable. Whether there is a God or no gods, neither atheists nor religious societies have any archaeological proof or evidence. However, even though both realms – the physical (man’s world) and the spiritual realm of the afterlife, which no one knows until they die – have been known to humans since ancient times, and many important texts such as The Torah, The Christian Bible, The Republic, and other ancient writings and religious texts have all made their points, human life has always been limited to Earth and nowhere else. Maybe Elon Musk’s possible settlement on Mars might change things, but the debate about divinity (the eternal quest) seems unlikely to end.

Myths are far from reality and have fueled many vain hopes. Some believed that Elves were the original inhabitants of the world. It is also scientifically accepted that Homo sapiens, or anatomically modern humans, evolved from earlier hominids in Africa around 200,000 to 300,000 years ago, while religion takes us back to creation by a supreme being. As a result, it has become difficult for humans to discern what truly constitutes “truth”, and the reality is that our success on earth also depends on it. No scholar can disprove the idea that “only true knowledge can set you free”. Doing so would be akin to creating life from AI without binaries.

Throughout the history of this planet (earth), humans have been trying to answer four major questions that shape their lives and success on earth. The questions are:

  • A question of image: Who are you?
  • A question of origin: Where did you come from?
  • A question of purpose: Why are you here?
  • And a question of destiny: Where are you going?

These questions are not easy to answer, and different people may have different views and beliefs about them. For example, a company like Toyota may do everything to protect its image and reputation in order to stay on top of the market. Similarly, some people may trace their origins to a common ancestor, while others may believe in a different theory of creation. The question of purpose may also vary depending on one’s values, goals, and passions. And the question of destiny may involve one’s beliefs about the afterlife, reincarnation, or nothingness.

Our current state of affairs in terms of money, technology, war, race, power, rituals, and more is a result of our collective efforts to address these questions. And our ability to survive and thrive depends on how well we deal with them. We have all come far in this quest for truth, and your status is influenced by what you have accepted as true for these questions.

To be continued……..