LionQuotes- 1
Author: Bernard Quayson (Mr. Gelisem)

Wisdom is wealth, and those who reject it, perish. we can’t be fools and inherit God’s kingdom. That is why He mostly spoke in proverbs, so that only the wise will be able to decipher and fulfil His purpose. We cannot dispute the fact that not everyone deserves our following. I believe that is the very purpose of inventing the word “choice”, and it occurs in every moment of our life. Humans are basically moved by visions and it is certain that not everyone has the same vision as us. So as a result, we keep changing our relations with people and things, and so does God. Sometimes, our course and destination is the reason people follow or leave (unfollow). Remember, it’s not everywhere that you can follow or can be followed. That is why theological historical records prove that, God who created and loves all; still chooses His people whom He follows or rejects, depending on our course and destination.