This is how power is abused when it’s given to “normal people.”

Mr. President: Ghana

Author: Mr. Gelisem
Manuscript 1
Mr. President, many may not understand – until we realize – that life isn’t a game. Those “many” are what I call; the “normal people”. Because they actually believe- “life is a game”.
I repeat life isn’t a game. This is a very important principle and you will agree with me, that your life is a serious thing. It’s not a game, so you don’t play with your life.
We have no reason to be against games. Cos anyhow, we’re going to play them. You can play games, it’s okay. But you have to be mature enough to make sure it remains a game. In a case where something becomes a source of life and you need that thing in order to survive, then that ain’t no game. You are a victim of chance. And if you need a chance to live, it will destroy you.
There’s a thing difference between chance and game, so we sometimes hardly see when crossing. The perfect phrase to draw the line is- “robbing Peter to pay Paul”. Let’s assume you have a light bill to pay, and you’re choosing Paul over the bill because Paul is a game– then Mary is going to complain, Kojo and Ama will also be destroyed. So, you become a victim of chance. And if you need a chance to live as I said, – then your life is simply a game.
If we need a chance to survive- it’s definitely going to destroy us. That is why hope is a mistake. Cos If you can’t fix what is broken, you’ll go insane.
To the wealthy, it’s a Game– cos he’s got nothing to lose. But to the poor, it’s a life, so we don’t play with our life.
The country is already poor, so let’s not play games with it, else Mary is gonna complain, and Kojo will be destroyed.
NB: The full paper will officially be published by
This wisdom will be fully referenced to prove its authenticity
One BLOCK At a Time (Be part of the Revolution)
Author: Bernard Quayson